
Sales Information Service

The latest application from crossbase for sales, marketing, product management and service

The Sales Information Service offers web-based, read-only access to product information and media within the company. Authorized users can use current images, documents, texts, translations and other product information without directly accessing the database.

Thomas Kern
CEO, crossbase

With the Sales Information Service, crossbase has created another way of making data from the PIM system available where it is needed. In this case, for example, these are employees of a company who have previously approached the marketing department with their inquiries. Or, in the worst case, have copied the required data somewhere.


Convenient web interface with intuitive operation for read users

Many of our customers are familiar with our tried-and-tested desktop application for researching product information. Whether for use in quotations, PowerPoint presentations or for business partners. In principle, Sales Information is a very similar application. At least at first glance and in terms of functionality.

The application is a convenient web interface for all employees in the company who occasionally or frequently search for images, texts, technical data, dimensions, etc. This is particularly the case for sales, marketing and sales staff. These are in particular people from sales, marketing, product management, application technology and service. Everyone can benefit from what a few users enter and update in the system on a daily basis or what is transferred from other systems such as the ERP.


Lightbox display of various media elements such as product photos, application photos, operating instructions and films for selection for the watch list.

Powerful functionality to minimize the search effort

Operation is intuitive, but the functionality in the background is very powerful: for example, access rights to product information can be controlled on a user-specific basis. It is possible to speed up the full-text search via the search index or to select the language for displaying content and for the user interface.     

Many functions can be executed with a single click, but a lot of functionality is hidden in the background. These include automatic selection of the correct image format (Office, print, Internet, etc.), inserting into PowerPoint, Word and the clipboard, product preview as PDF/HTML or exporting features and texts to Excel.

The smooth operation makes research really fun: no searching in different systems, no asking colleagues, no uncertainty as to whether text, images etc. are up-to-date and the option of using the content directly in PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

Further search options

In addition to product-related content, general marketing content such as logos, presentations, image brochures and company-related images and brochures can also be searched for in the PIM. A general media structure is available in crossbase MAM for this purpose, which can also be accessed in the Sales Information Service. Similarly, output structures can also be searched. For example, this can be a structure that is used for the online store or the print catalog. Typical use cases are that an image from the online store is required in high quality for a brochure or that an image from the print catalog is to be used in digital form.


The Sales Information Service increases digitization in the company. This can reduce the amount of research required and improve the quality of communication. Further information can be found on the "Sales Information Service" landing page and in our brochure, which you can request using the contact form.

Of course, we would also be happy to present our software solution to you in person. Get in touch with us!


Thomas Kern
+49 07031 9880-720


Herby Tessadri
+43 5574 64880-39

I look forward to a personal
with you.

Herby Tessadri, Sales Manager

Call me +49 7031 9880-770
or write a message

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